Samuel Morse

    Samuel Morse was born April 27, 1791 in Charlestown, Massachusetts. Samuel Morse invented and perfected the telegraph. He also invented the Morse code which was later on used with the telegraph. He was also an accomplished painter.

            Samuel Morse attended Yale University to study electricity. After that he went to an art school. Art was Samuel’s passion. While at Art school he won a gold medal for his one and only sculpture. Samuel Morse was the first person to be the president of the National Academy of Design. In 1832 Samuel became a professor at New York University, as an art teacher. He wanted to Paint historical murals in the capitol building in Washington D.C, but he was not allowed to paint the murals. After 1837 Samuel did not paint.   

            Morse was in need of money so he turned to inventing. Some of Samuel’s first inventions were fire engine pumps. Marble cutting machines, and his famous telegraph used with the Morse code. In 1840-1842 Samuel was given a patent and $30,000 by congress to build a test line between Baltimore and Washington D.C.

            After all of his exciting life, Morse went into politics. He was the Vice President of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Samuel finally became a wealthy man. The telegraph honored him with a statue in the central park in New York City in 1871. Samuel Morse died a year later in 1872.

            Samuel was a very successful man who was a very talented painter, inventor, and a very good politician. His Successes earned him many awards and many gifts.